ShimmerScreen® is produced by Ball Chain Manufacturing Co., Inc. (Ball Chain), the world's largest manufacturer of ball chain and related accessories. Founded in 1938 by Franz Taubner and his son, Val, in the garage behind their home in the Bronx, Ball Chain has grown to employ more than 95 people. Under current President Bill and his brothers, Val and Jim, Ball Chain manufactures the industry’s highest quality ball chain and distributes its products globally. Our ball chain, the key component of ShimmerScreen, is part of everyday life and is featured in items such as light fixtures, plumbing devices, key chains and chain necklaces.
Still family owned and operated, Ball Chain proudly manufactures all of its ball chain in the USA. We are headquartered in Mount Vernon, New York (just north of New York City). Our 70,000 square foot production facility houses the manufacturing operation, along with offices for the entire company, including the LogoTags promotional products division. Our factory produces millions of feet of ball chain a week, and we are the only remaining company to manufacture ball chain in the USA. Continuing a decades-long tradition, Ball Chain supplies the U.S. armed forces with ball chain for the iconic military ID dog tag chains worn by American soldiers.
Ball Chain is recognized by the Green Business Bureau (GBB) as a "certified green business." The GBB is a nationally recognized organization that certifies small to medium-sized businesses that comply with established environmental laws and business practices. We have always been environmentally proactive, and we are proud of this certification. We are also certified by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), an organization which has established a coordinated system of quality management standards. In our particular case, this demonstrates that our entire company complies with ISO standards.